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文章标题:FAN1 mutations cause karyomegalic interstitial nephritis, linking chronic kidney failure to defective DNA damage repair.

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简介:FAN1 mutations cause karyomegalic interstitial nephritis, linking chronic kidney failure to defective DNA damage repair.
Zhou W, Otto EA, Cluckey A, Airik R, Hurd TW, Chaki M, Diaz K, Lach FP, Bennett GR, Gee HY, Ghosh AK, Natarajan S, Thongthip S, Veturi U, Allen SJ, Janssen S, Ramaswami G, Dixon J, Burkhalter F, Spoendlin M, Moch H, Mihatsch MJ, Verine J, Reade R, Soliman H, Godin M, Kiss D, Monga G, Mazzucco G, Amann K, Artunc F, Newland RC, Wiech T, Zschiedrich S, Huber TB, Friedl A, Slaats GG, Joles JA, Goldschmeding R, Washburn J, Giles RH, Levy S, Smogorzewska A, and Hildebrandt F.
Nature genetics



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